Rhetorical Analysis

Heather Wininger

Composition II

Natalie Meyer

25 March, 2016


Obama’s  Keynote Address:

One Fundamental Goal

Barack Obama uses many appeals and techniques in his speeches. His Keynote Address in 2004 is a great example of his strategy. Obama uses appeal, repetition, logos, ethos, and pathos to inspire his listeners.

Obama uses appeal by identifying a common goal all Americans agree upon. Even though America is full of individuals with many different beliefs,  all Americans want  to make America a better place. Even though Obama identifies with the Democratic Party, he appeals to an audience of individuals throughout the entire political spectrum. He says he does not care what party you identify with, he just wants  to come together as one and agree upon one fundamental goal. Obama’s goal and purpose portrayed to the audience is to come together as one and make America better. Obama tries to break down the barriers of having different beliefs by creating a common goal.

Obama’s most noticeable strategy is repetition. Each paragraph has its own phrase that gets repeated numerous time to get it to imprint in your brain. By repeating his point, he is able to ensure his point was heard. Obama repeats phrases such as “fellow Americans”, “connected as one”, and “common dream” to emphasize his message.

Obama begins the speech using pathos by emphasizing that he is an ordinary American who grew up here just like them.  He repeatedly calls the audience “Fellow Americans”.  He wants people to believe he grew up ordinary like them and was not raised in a rich family. He says if you feel multiple times to get an emotional response from americans that want to improve the country.

Logos is used in the Keynote Address to validate his statements.  Obama uses the Declaration of Independence as a source for his speech. This makes him look valid and reliable by using facts from a reliable source to create trust.  By inserting facts rather than just opinions, people are more likely to believe what he has to say.

Obama ends the speech with a call to action using ethos. He talks about common beliefs of Americans. Obama attempts to take out the titles of politics and focuses on what it means to be an American. He makes you believe if you are truly American you have to agree. Obama’s message he wants to put out to the audience is that he just wants what is best for America. If you are American, you must follow Obama because he has the same beliefs as you and a hope in America.

Barack Obama’s use of appeal, repetition, logos, ethos, and pathos were successful inspiring his listeners. He made clear to the audience he is an average American just like them and only wants what is best for America. He used reliable sources to validate his message. Obama broke down all barriers of having different beliefs by creating a common goal every American can agree with. Obama created a call to action for every American to come together as one to improve America.


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